Block 3: Day School Courses

The following Day School Courses are available at the Bracebridge, Huntsville and Lindsay Adult & Alternate Education Centres for Block 3 starting December 9, 2021.


TFJ3E – Hospitality and Tourism (Grade 11 Workplace)

This course enables students to acquire knowledge and skills related to the food and beverage services sector of the tourism industry. Students will learn how to prepare, present, and serve food using a variety of tools and equipment, and will develop an understanding of the fundamentals of providing high-quality service to ensure customer satisfaction and the components of running a successful event or activity. Students will develop an awareness of health and safety practices, environmental and societal issues, and career opportunities in the food and beverage services sector.

TFJ4E – Hospitality and Tourism (Grade 12 Workplace)

This course enables students to further develop knowledge and skills related to the food and beverage services sector of the tourism industry. Students will demonstrate proficiency in using food preparation and presentation tools and equipment; plan nutritious menus, create recipes, and prepare and present finished food products; develop customer service skills; and explore event and activity planning. Students will expand their awareness of health and safety practices, environmental and societal issues, and career opportunities in the food and beverage services sector.
Prerequisite: Hospitality and Tourism, Grade 11, Workplace Preparation


AMU3O – Music (Grade 11 Open)

This course develops students’ musical literacy through performance and the preparation and presentation of music productions. Students will perform works at a level consistent with previous experience. Independently and collaboratively, students will use current technology and the creative and critical analysis processes to plan, produce, present, and market musical productions. Students will respond to, reflect on, and analyse music from various genres and periods, and they will develop skills transferable to other aspects of their life and their careers.


CLU3E – Understanding Canadian Law (Grade 11 Workplace)

This course explores elements of Canadian law that are relevant to students as they prepare to enter the labour force. Students will learn to develop informed opinions on legal issues and to express and defend their opinions in a variety or ways. Practical experience and active learning strategies will be emphasized.

HHD3O – Dynamics of Human Relationships (Grade 11 Open)

This course focuses on helping students understand the individual and group factors that contribute to healthy relationships. Students will examine the connections between their own self-concept and their interpersonal relationships. They will learn and practise strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships with friends, family, and community members, as well as with partners in intimate relationships. Students will use research and inquiry skills to investigate topics related to healthy relationships.