Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s);

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) believes all members of our community have the right to feel safe and protected. TLDSB will respond to all student behaviour that poses a potential risk to other students, staff and/or members of the community.

TLDSB’s Threat and Risk Assessment and Response Procedure (OP-6531) requires that parents/guardians are notified that TLDSB does investigate any worrisome or threatening behavior exhibited by a TLDSB student, and that the board has a policy and procedure in place to support the investigation. This letter serves as the required notification about this process.

Threat and risk assessment is the framework for a systematic response to threatening behaviours in schools and the community.  Certain behaviours exhibited by students (as outlined in the attached document and in our procedure) may require response beyond TLDSB’s progressive discipline process and may require that a threat assessment be initiated. The general purpose of an assessment is to assist in creating and maintaining an environment where students, staff, parents/guardians and others feel safe by reducing risk and by assisting the student to receive the help needed to address the issues contributing to the high-risk behaviour.

Attached to this letter is a document that outlines the process through which TLDSB will assess serious and worrisome threats to determine the level of risk to self or others. TLDSB’s Threat and Risk Assessment and Response Procedure (OP-6531) in its entirety can be reviewed at the website address below:

Violence and threat assessment is a collaborative process with our community partners and is a key component of keeping our schools safe.  Our fair notice information will be posted on the school website or available through your school for your reference.


Don MacIver

Don MacIver, Principal

Adult & Alternate Education Centres
