Dear Parent/Guardian,

The Government of Ontario has released data regarding drinking water quality for schools. Our school building has been identified as having a lead concentration above or close to the provincial standard during a ‘standing’ drinking water test.

A ‘standing’ sample is taken from water that has been sitting in the pipes for more than 6 hours. The recommendation from the Government of Ontario for an exceedance of lead in a ‘standing’ sample is to flush the school plumbing daily.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) complies with legislation and regulations surrounding safe drinking water. Drinking water is tested regularly and any issues are resolved immediately.

TLDSB works closely with local health units and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change to ensure a safe learning environment for staff and students. We want you to be aware that all protocols are in place for our school as the safety of students and staff is our primary concern.

Further information is available by contacting Communications Services at 1.888.526.5552 or visit


Don MacIver

Adult & Alternate Education Centres